Apply for Your Tax Resale Certificate

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Do I need a State Resale Certificate?

You are required to obtain a State Resale Certificate for a number of reasons. A simple question you may ask yourself is: “Will I purchase items and resell them?” If the answer is YES, you must have a State Resale Certificate to legally do business.

There are many circumstances that will require your business to have a State Resale Certificate. A few reasons are listed below:


Any goods purchased with the intent to resell require a State Resale Certificate. This is very beneficial to you because you are able to purchase these goods tax free. You do not have to pay for sales tax when you purchase items that are intended to be resold with your State Resale Certificate.

Most legitimate wholesale companies will require your State Resale Certificate prior to purchasing items from them. You are typically unable to open accounts with distributors, vendors, or wholesalers without a State Resale Certificate. Even items that will be incorporated into another product (such as screws that will be used to hold together a toy) require a State Resale Certificate.


When reselling services, you are also required to obtain a State Resale Certificate. This also provides a huge benefit to you. With your State Resale Certificate, you are able to purchase these services tax free. This allows you to save on costs and resell these services. Some examples of services are white labeling services, online services, or in-person services.


If you intend to rent out property of any kind that you purchased or rent, you will also need to obtain a State Resale Certificate. If you plan to rent out your home, car, or other property, you must obtain a State Resale Certificate. This includes real or personal property alike.

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*Proceeding will direct you to the registration form

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